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NOAA NOAA United States Department of Commerce

NHC Experimental Videocast Service

Updated 12 July 2013


  1. Service Description
  2. Purpose/Intended Use
  3. Audience
  4. Availability and Access
  5. Feedback and Comments

4. Availability and Access

The broadcasts are available at the top of each hour (except at 4AM, 10AM, 4PM, 10PM EDT) when the media pool is activated. It is a distribution system only. No information will be edited or filtered. NHC will have full control of the content sent over the WDT system.

Because this new service is experimental, the broadcasts may not be available in a timely manner and they may not be available for every media event.

Please note that broadcasts older than four hours will be automatically removed from the URL.

The URL to the online broadcasts is:

Next:  Feedback and Comments