Tropical Storm Hone Discussion Number 18
NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI CP012024
1100 AM HST Mon Aug 26 2024
Hone's well-defined low-level circulation center is clearly seen in
visible satellite images this morning, with limited deep convection
well separated from the center. Primary data point supporting this
advisory's intensity estimate is NDBC buoy 51003, which recorded a
minimum pressure near 998 mb and winds gusting to 54 kt as Hone's
center passed very close around 5 AM HST this morning. As this was
the pressure used in the previous advisory, the initial intensity
estimate will remain unchanged at 55 kt.
The initial motion estimate is 280/11kt. The cyclone continues to
gradually spin down in the face of moderate westerly vertical wind
shear, and the increasingly shallow system is expected to be
steered generally westward until dissipation occurs on day 4. Some
slowing in forward speed and increase in latitude is expected after
midweek as the center of the surface high now due north of Hone
shifts eastward. The updated forecast track is informed by
well-clustered track guidance, and will take Hone into a environment
characterized by increasingly strong westerly winds aloft. The
intensity forecast indicates that Hone will become a post-tropical
low on Thursday, and dissipate on Friday before crossing the
International Date Line, in line with a blend of the statistical and
dynamical guidance.
INIT 26/2100Z 19.2N 161.6W 55 KT 65 MPH
12H 27/0600Z 19.4N 163.6W 50 KT 60 MPH
24H 27/1800Z 19.6N 166.1W 45 KT 50 MPH
36H 28/0600Z 20.0N 168.4W 45 KT 50 MPH
48H 28/1800Z 20.3N 170.5W 45 KT 50 MPH
60H 29/0600Z 20.8N 172.5W 40 KT 45 MPH
72H 29/1800Z 21.4N 174.4W 30 KT 35 MPH...POST-TROP/REMNT LOW
96H 30/1800Z...DISSIPATED
Forecaster Birchard