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Tropical Weather Outlook Text


Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
800 AM EDT Tue Jun 1 2021

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

Tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 5 days.

Today marks the first day of the Atlantic hurricane season, which
will run until November 30.  Long-term averages for the number of
named storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes are 14, 7, and 3,

The list of names for 2021 is as follows:

Name           Pronunciation    Name            Pronunciation
Ana            AH-nah           Larry           LAIR-ree
Bill           bill             Mindy           MIN-dee
Claudette      klaw-DET         Nicholas        NIH-kuh-luss 
Danny          DAN-ee           Odette          oh-DEHT
Elsa           EL-suh           Peter           PEE-tur 
Fred           frehd            Rose            rohz  
Grace          grayss           Sam             sam   
Henri          anh-REE          Teresa          tuh-REE-suh
Ida            EYE-duh          Victor          VIK-tur
Julian         JOO-lee-uhn      Wanda           WAHN-duh
Kate           kayt  

One tropical storm, Ana, already formed this year in May. The 
next named storm that develops this season will be Bill. 

This product, the Tropical Weather Outlook, briefly describes
significant areas of disturbed weather and their potential for
tropical cyclone formation during the next five days.  The 
issuance times of this product are 2 AM, 8 AM, 2 PM, and 
8 PM EDT. After the change to standard time in November, 
the issuance times are 1 AM, 7 AM, 1 PM, and 7 PM EST.

A Special Tropical Weather Outlook will be issued to provide
updates, as necessary, in between the regularly scheduled
issuances of the Tropical Weather Outlook.  Special Tropical
Weather Outlooks will be issued under the same WMO and AWIPS
headers as the regular Tropical Weather Outlooks.

A standard package of products, consisting of the tropical cyclone
public advisory, the forecast/advisory, the cyclone discussion,
and a wind speed probability product, is issued every six hours
for all ongoing tropical cyclones.  In addition, a special
advisory package may be issued at any time to advise of
significant unexpected changes or to modify watches or warnings.

The Tropical Cyclone Update is a brief statement to inform of
significant changes in a tropical cyclone or to post or cancel
watches or warnings.  It is used in lieu of or to precede the
issuance of a special advisory package.  Tropical Cyclone Updates,
which can be issued at any time, can be found under WMO header
WTNT61-65 KNHC, and under AWIPS header MIATCUAT1-5.

All National Hurricane Center text and graphical products are
available on the web at You can also
interact with NHC on Facebook at
Notifications are available via Twitter when select National
Hurricane Center products are issued.  Information about our
Atlantic Twitter feed (@NHC_Atlantic) is available at

Forecaster Papin/Stewart

List of Atlantic Outlooks (May 2023 - present)
List of East Pacific Outlooks (May 2023 - present)
List of Central Pacific Outlooks (May 2023 - present)
List of Atlantic Outlooks (July 2014 - April 2023)
List of East Pacific Outlooks (July 2014 - April 2023)
List of Central Pacific Outlooks (June 2019 - April 2023)
List of Atlantic Outlooks (June 2009 - June 2014)
List of East Pacific Outlooks (June 2009 - June 2014)