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NHC GIS Archive - Tropical Cyclone Best Track

NHC Storm Identifier* Storm Name
al01 Subtropical Storm ALBERTO
al02 Hurricane BERYL
al03 Hurricane CHRIS
al04 Tropical Storm DEBBY
al05 Tropical Storm ERNESTO
al06 Hurricane FLORENCE
al07 Tropical Storm GORDON
al08 Hurricane HELENE
al09 Hurricane ISAAC
al10 Tropical Storm JOYCE
al11 Tropical Depression ELEVEN
al12 Tropical Storm KIRK
al13 Hurricane LESLIE
al14 Hurricane MICHAEL
al15 Tropical Storm NADINE
al16 Hurricane OSCAR
ep01 Tropical Depression ONE-E
ep02 Hurricane ALETTA
ep03 Hurricane BUD
ep04 Tropical Storm CARLOTTA
ep05 Tropical Storm DANIEL
ep06 Tropical Storm EMILIA
ep07 Hurricane FABIO
ep08 Tropical Storm GILMA
ep09 Tropical Depression NINE-E
ep10 Hurricane HECTOR
ep11 Tropical Storm ILEANA
ep12 Hurricane JOHN
ep13 Tropical Storm KRISTY
ep14 Hurricane LANE
ep15 Hurricane MIRIAM
ep16 Hurricane NORMAN
ep17 Hurricane OLIVIA
ep18 Tropical Storm PAUL
ep19 Tropical Depression NINETEEN-E
ep20 Hurricane ROSA
ep21 Hurricane SERGIO
ep22 Tropical Storm TARA
ep23 Tropical Storm VICENTE
ep24 Hurricane WILLA
ep25 Tropical Storm XAVIER
cp01 Hurricane WALAKA
ep10 Hurricane HECTOR
ep14 Hurricane LANE
ep15 Hurricane MIRIAM
ep16 Hurricane NORMAN
ep17 Hurricane OLIVIA

* Identifiers are "al" for Atlantic storms and "ep" for East Pacific storms. Storms are numbered sequentially beginning with the first storm each season.

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